
An MS Windows System Tray program for auto update Free DNS service.
You can select the interval update time in minutes, and enable/disable program’s autostart at Windows boot.


This program is designed for MS Windows with .NET Framework 3.5 installed.
To configure this, you must run it from an account with administrator privileges.


  • Starting, input the domain key for DNS service, which appears after pressing the Update Key on right click at programs icon in system tray.
  • Next, input the interval time in minutes for DNS service the auto update, which appears after pressing the Update Interval .
  • When an DNS update process ends, the program appears a Ballon Notification with the server’s response. You can enable/disable the Ballon Notifications from the Show Notifications option.
  • You can also enable/disable the auto-start of the program on Windows boot from the Tray Icon Autorun option.
  • You can anytime cancel the scheduled auto-update process by pressing the Disable Schedule option.
  • To re-enable the scheduled auto-update just select the Enable Schedule option, that now appears at the previous possition.
  • By double click on the programs icon at system tray, you can see the last server response.
  • The same you can do by sellect the Show Last Response option.
  • You can run the update immediately, out of scheduler, by clicking the Run update now option.



  • Move from internal timer, to the native windows task scheduler.
  • Can run on system boot, with out the need of any user log-on.
  • Option to run the dynamic DNS update on demand, from the icon tray menu.


  • Initial release


This program is free software distributed under the FreeBSD License.


If you think that this program is helpful for you and you are willing to support the developer, feel free to make a donation through paypal.



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