
f5rerestarter_1Firerestarter is an open source command line process killing & restaring tool for .NET


I’m a Firefox fun, from the days of ‘Firebird’. And I also believe that internet should be open, public and accessible. Anyway, some times, when I try to open the Firefox, the process of before ‘closed’ browser still alive, prompted me about that and the only way to reopen the browser is by hitting ‘Alt+Ctrl+Del’, open the task manager, find the process and terminated it manualy. That’s so annoying I think…

So, I made the Firestarter. A tiny tool, written in C#, targeting the .Net/Mono framework, that do the ‘dirty’ job for us. It can be used for any programm you want, not only for Mozilla Firefox.

Program Usage

To run this programm you must specify the name of the process you want to kill and restart by giving it as parameter when executing this application, or by using a file that’s having the same filename with this app and .ini as extension.

For example, if you want to restart the Mozilla Firefox:
at the console, give:
Firerestarter firefox
• or store the process name ‘firefox’ to a file called Firestarter.ini at the same folder with this app, and execute it without parameters.

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