Command line tool, for display message boxes and receive user answers, usefull for MS Windows batch scripting
This program is designed for all versions MS Windows, without dependencies, using Windows API.
msgbox [-m message] [-t title] [-b buttons] [-i icon] [-d Default button] [-r Return mode]
The button (-b)
switches are:
Short switch | Long switch | Description |
o |
ok |
for OK (default) |
oc |
okcancel |
for OK And Cancel |
rc |
retryccancel |
for Retry And Cancel |
yn |
yesno |
for Yes And No |
ync |
yesnocancel |
for Yes, No, And Cancel |
ari |
abotretryignore |
for Abort, Retry, And Ignore |
ctc |
canceltrycontinue |
for Cancel, Try Again, Continue |
The icon (-i)
switches are:
Short switch | Long switch | Description |
e |
exclamation |
for exclamation-point icon |
q |
question |
for question-mark icon |
w |
warning |
for stop-sign icon |
i |
info |
for lowercase letter i in a circle icon |
The default selected button (-d)
switches are:
Switch | Description |
1 |
The first button is selected (default) |
2 |
The second button is selected |
3 |
The third button is selected |
The return mode (-r)
switches are:
Short switch | Long switch | description |
s |
str |
for print string user’s answer output. |
n |
num |
for print numeric (button id) user’s answer output. |
e |
err |
for Return the button id As exit code (default). |
Exit code is accessible from the %errorlevel% variable. Usefull for batch scripting, etc.:
> msgbox -m "My Message" -t "My Title" -b o > set myvar=%errorlevel% > echo %myvar%
Exit or Output Codes & Strings:
Code | String | Description |
1 |
OK |
The OK button was selected. |
2 |
The Cancel button was selected. |
3 |
The Abort button was selected. |
4 |
The Retry button was selected. |
5 |
The Ignore button was selected. |
6 |
The Yes button was selected. |
7 |
NO |
The No button was selected. |
11 |
The Continue button was selected. |
10 |
The Try Again button was selected. |
This is free software distributed under the FreeBSD license.
If you think that this program is helpful for you and you are willing to support the developer, feel free to make a donation through PayPal.
Download Portable (zip) Checkout Source
Change Log
- Initial release