BorderlandVAT (ΦΠΑ Νησιών) for Firefox OS

moz-icon-256A mobile version of the application BorderlandVAT.

Using edge mobile web standards, such as HTML5, jQuery Mobile etc., provide a smooth and rock-solid Touch-Optimized experience for all popular mobile device platforms. Also it use the webcache API, so it can run at offline mode with the full capabilities. For updates and more information see at the BorderlandVAT (ΦΠΑ Νησιών) homepage.

BorderlandVAT (ΦΠΑ Νησιών) is now available at the Firefox Marketplace for Firefox OS and Firefox for Android.

borderlandvat-firefox-marketplace-qrcodeYou can install the application from the Firefox Marketplace at the url
or by scanning the next QR Code
