A PHP Class with usefull functions for modern greek unicode text manipulation, such as transcript greek to latin, or upper case greek letters stripped from accent marks.
string to_latin($str)
- Convert greek letters at the string to latins, as ISO:843 / ΕΛΟΤ:743 defines
- $str string to convert
- Returns converted string
string strtoupper_no_accent($str)
- Convert unicode string to upper case, without accent marks for the greek letters
- $str string to upper case convert
- Returns converted string
bool is_upper($char, $notGreekException = false)
- Check if $char is upper case
- $char is the character for checking
- If $notGreekException == true, throws exception when char is not greek
- Returns true if $char is upper case, else false
bool is_lower($char, $notGreekException = false)
- Check if $char is lower case
- $char is the character for checking
- If $notGreekException == true, throws exception when char is not greek
- Returns true if $char is lower case, else false
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