A simple but efficient backup tool, to mirroring all subfolders and files of an origin to a destination folder.
You can also select to backup files cumulatively, by keeping the files at the destination even are not present at the origin anymore. Else, these files will be deleted also from the destination (mirror mode).
The program have bilingual interface, available at English and Greek.
This program is designed for MS Windows with .NET Framework 3.5 installed.
- Starting, input the path of the origin folder at the textbox next to the ‘Origin’ label. You can also select the path, using the common dialog box, which appears after pressing the ‘Select’ button.
- Next, input the path of the origin folder at the textbox next to the ‘Destination’ label. You can also select the path, using the common dialog box, which appears after pressing the ‘Select’ button.
- Now, you have to select to keep files not in the origin (cumulatively backup), by ticking the check box above.
- To start the backup process just press the ‘Start’ button.
- You can anytime cancel the process by pressing the ‘Cancel’ button.
- After the backup complete, a results report window appeared.
- To change the font appearance, select the ‘Font’ menu option.
- You can save the results by selecting the ‘Save’ menu option.
- You can also view the last results report of the current session (if exist), by selecting the ‘Show Last Report’ from the ‘File’ menu, at the main window.
Change log
– Profiles list added
This program is free software distributed under the GNU GPL 3, for license details see at ‘license.txt’ file, distributed with this program, or see at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.