
WebServices.dll library – ver 1.1

networkMultipetros.WebServices is an open source library (FreeBSD Lisenced) library writted in C#, targeting the .NET Framework 3.5, with classes which interact, wrapp and invoke web services.

At the moment these classes are available:

– class AfmInfo
Automate the downloading process of RgWsBasStoixEpitRtUser object for a given Greek VATIN using the SOAP messages from the Greek GSIS Government web service. The downloaded object have fields with info about the given VATIN.
AfmInfo also used as a wrapper that convert RgWsBasStoixEpitRtUser fields into Properties and provide better and safer access ways. Except the Properties, have Methods to get the original dowloaded object and a Dictionary with the Properties Names as dict. keys and their values as dict. values.

– class GoogleCurrencies
Download exchange rates for supported currencies from Google’s web service.
For downloads, documentations and updates see at the projects page at