
Confing.dll Released

puzzle-iconMultipetros.Confing.dll is an open source (MIT Licensed) .NET library with classes for easily confinguration properties manipulation.

There are three (3) classes, the SimpleIni Class, the Ini Class and the RegIni Class. The first two of them are contacting with flat text files to store the properties in the common used INI file format and the other one with the MS Windows Registry.

For more info, full documentation text, downloads and updates, see at the project’s home page at /public-projects/libraries/confing-dll/

WebServices.dll library – ver 1.1

networkMultipetros.WebServices is an open source library (FreeBSD Lisenced) library writted in C#, targeting the .NET Framework 3.5, with classes which interact, wrapp and invoke web services.

At the moment these classes are available:

– class AfmInfo
Automate the downloading process of RgWsBasStoixEpitRtUser object for a given Greek VATIN using the SOAP messages from the Greek GSIS Government web service. The downloaded object have fields with info about the given VATIN.
AfmInfo also used as a wrapper that convert RgWsBasStoixEpitRtUser fields into Properties and provide better and safer access ways. Except the Properties, have Methods to get the original dowloaded object and a Dictionary with the Properties Names as dict. keys and their values as dict. values.

– class GoogleCurrencies
Download exchange rates for supported currencies from Google’s web service.
For downloads, documentations and updates see at the projects page at

Props.dll updated (v1.2)

The library Multipetros.Props.dll is updated to version 1.2

Multipetros.Props.dll is a minimalistic properties file manipulation library, developed at C# language, targeted .NET framework

The library is open source software and distributed under the terms & conditions of the FreeBSD License.

New features from Version 1.1:

  • Added SetPropertyEncoded method for read & decode Base64 formula encoded properties.
  • Added GetPropertyDecoded method for write properties to files, encoded with Base64 formula.
  • Added overloaded GetPropertyDecoded method with emptyStrInsteadNull parameter to select the returned value (empty string or null) in case of key not found.
  • Added overloaded GetProperty method with emptyStrInsteadNull parameter to select the returned value (empty string or null) in case of key not found.

For more info, download the library, see documentation or check out the code see at the library’s page:

Validation for GR Vies Vat, GR Social ID, Luhn: Library & GUI Application

Multipetros.Validation.dll is an open source library, for the .NET framework, with validation functionality for Greek Vies Vat IDs, Greek Social IDs and Luhn formula based numbers.

ValidBlue is a small, open source, windows application for massive validation of Luhn Numbers, Greek Vies VAT IDs and Greek Social Security IDs, powered by Multipetros.Validation.dll and Multipetros.Props.dll libraries. Setup and Portable (zip archive) format are available.

Both library and application distributed under the terms of FreeBSD license.

Props.dll updated (v1.1)

The library Multipetros.Props.dll is updated to version 1.1

Multipetros.Props.dll is a minimalistic properties file manipulation library, developed at C# language, targeted .NET framework

The library is open source software and distributed under the terms & conditions of the FreeBSD License.

Changes from Version 1.0:

  • DelProperty method now returns true if done / false if key not found
  • GetProperty method becomes case insensitive in key search
  • DLL’s filename changes to be consistent with Microsoft Design Guidelines

Also, the project’s source transfered from Google Project Hosting to bitbucket

For more info, download the library, see documentation or check out the code see at the library’s page:

Subnetting Calculator, Library & GUI Application

On the occasion of the subZraw’s article about the subnetting I create a library (dll) targeting the .NET platform, called SubnettingCalcs, which can do subnetting calculations, and provide info about network hosts capacity, netmask length, netmask, network prefix, lowest (first) host IP, highest (last) host IP & broadcast address at string dotted address format, decimal format with 4 cell byte array and binary format with 32 cell byte array with 0 and 1 values.

The library licensed under the terms of FreeBSD License. You can find more info and documentation at dedicated page at my site (/public-projects/subnettingcalcs-dll/) .

Also I made a small, portable, application which transfer the library’s capabilities to the end user desktop. The application called SubnetCalculator. It distributed under the terms of FreeBAD License and I made a dedicated page at my site (/public-projects/subnetcalculator/), from where you can download it.


A greek VIES VAT number validation library,
developed in SharpDevelop, at C# language, targeted .NET/Mono

The library have one static method which check if a greek VIES VAT number is valid,
and NOT if exists and corresponds to a natural person or a legal entity.

This library is FREE SOFTWARE, comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, for details see

You can find the library precompiled with documentation included at my place
or you can check out the project’s home page.


A .NET/Mono library for simple and minimal parameters files manipulation.
The format of these files are simplest than the MS Windows .ini files. The philosophy of key=value still exists except the [sections]. All keys in the file belong to one anonymous section. Comments etc. in the file are not allowed. Of course the file has unicode encoding.

There are 2 string tables in the class. The first one called keys and stores the names of the key parameters. The second one called values and stores the values of the parameters matched with index of the appropriate key.

To read a value of a key, a method search the keys table, and if found the specified name of the key, returns the string from the same index of the values table. If the index is -1, meaning that key not found, returns an empty string “” as value.

To write a value in a key, a method search the keys table, and if found the specified name of the key, sets the specified string at the same index in the values table. If the index is -1, meaning that key not found, call the add key method.

To add a key, a method search the key table, and if found the specified name of the key, store the specified value at the same index in the values table. If not found copies, makes 2 temporary tables clones. Creates 2 new tables (keys and values) with the length of previous plus one point. Then copies the contents of the previous tables to the news and add at the last index the specified string.

To remove a key, a method search the key table, and if found the specified name of the key, sets at the same index the last values of the two tables. Make 2 temporary tables clones. Then create 2 new tables (keys and values) with the length of previous minus one point and copies the contents of the previous tables to the news, except the last cell.

You can find the library precompiled with documentation included at my place
Or you can browse the project’s home page