Monthly Archives: November 2013

aWallet acquires Greek localization

aWallet and aWallet Cloud are two powerfull android password managers. The first one is free and the second is a paid application. Except sacurely password storing and managing, you can create backups or export data in CSV format. Also with the aWallet Cloud you can sync your password data securely between devices in cooperation with major cloud storage services such as Dropbox and Google Drive.
From the version 3.4.2 of aWallet and from the next update of aWallet Cloud I proudly contributing to the project, by making the Greek localization.
For more info, see at the Localization Project’s Page.


php-iconA PHP Class with usefull functions for modern greek unicode text manipulation, such as transcript greek to latin, or upper case greek letters stripped from accent marks.

string to_latin($str)

  • Convert greek letters at the string to latins, as ISO:843 / ΕΛΟΤ:743 defines
  • $str string to convert
  • Returns converted string

string strtoupper_no_accent($str)

  • Convert unicode string to upper case, without accent marks for the greek letters
  • $str string to upper case convert
  • Returns converted string

bool is_upper($char, $notGreekException = false)

  • Check if $char is upper case
  • $char is the character for checking
  • If $notGreekException == true, throws exception when char is not greek
  • Returns true if $char is upper case, else false

bool is_lower($char, $notGreekException = false)

  • Check if $char is lower case
  • $char is the character for checking
  • If $notGreekException == true, throws exception when char is not greek
  • Returns true if $char is lower case, else false

Download      Frok it at Github

This project is free software, distributed under the terms & conditions of the FreeBSD License.