Introducing Antigrafon backup utility

Gnome-applications-officeAntigrafon is an open source, simple but efficient backup utility, for mirroring all subfolders and files of an origin folder to a destination folder. You can also select to backup files cumulatively, by keeping the files at the destination even are not present at the origin anymore. Else, these files will be deleted also from the destination (mirror mode).

For more info, updates and donwload see at the project’s home page

Confing.dll Released

puzzle-iconMultipetros.Confing.dll is an open source (MIT Licensed) .NET library with classes for easily confinguration properties manipulation.

There are three (3) classes, the SimpleIni Class, the Ini Class and the RegIni Class. The first two of them are contacting with flat text files to store the properties in the common used INI file format and the other one with the MS Windows Registry.

For more info, full documentation text, downloads and updates, see at the project’s home page at /public-projects/libraries/confing-dll/

Rewrite GET requests as virtual sub-folders in Apache

apache-logoIn search of a solution, to rewrite an one-parameter GET Request as virtual sub-folders, limiting it to specific values, I concluded to write the above Apache .htaccess rewrite rule.

This script, rewrite the value of the parameter named id, with the accepted values a,b or c as virtual sub-folders of a destination.


RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(a|b|c)\/?$ /?id=$1 [L]


  • rewrited as
  • rewrited also as
  • is not rewrited

Introducing TouchedFiles

An open source program, builded for .net 3.5, to find and open last edited files, of the selected path. You can also enable or disable recursive searching in its subfolders.

By default, the program searches for files have modified, or created one day before and after. But this can change by modifying the date picker.

For more info, updates and donwload see at the project’s home page

Vatlidator update to 2.1

vatlidator-2.1After the indefinitely service interruption of the Greek Goverment’s GSIS DataBase system, this is an updated version, using the European Commission VAT Information Exchange System.

For more info and downloads, see at the project’s home page

Syncthing Hide Console Solution

syncthing-logoWhen you run Syncthing at MS Windows, a console appears and still on your desktop until you shutdown the Syncthing application. No argument is available to start Syncthing without the console.

So, Syncthing Silent Runnet, is a minimal 3rd party solution for the annoying unhideable Syncthing command line window.

Is a portable and Open Source tool (GNU GPL3 Licensed), written in C and uses the Windows API.

After the Syncthing hidden execution, my program is closing and leave the Synchting running at the background.

For more info, updates and download link you can visit the Project’s Home Page.


AutoProcRestarter_1.0-2A system tray utility for running and restarting programs, after the selected time.

This program is designed for MS Windows with .NET Framework 3.5 installed.
It’s free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU GNU General Public License 3.

For more info, downloads and updates see at the Project’s Home Page