Program Update – Klepsydra goes to v1.3

Klepsydra, the desktop countdown timer with sound alarm, now at v1.3 got:

  • Add option for system shutdown
  • Load window at last position

As its predecessor, the new features also uses native WinAPI calls and avoid any extra libraries and OCX dependencies.
For more info, updates and downloads see at the Project’s Home Page.

Klepsydra 1.3 system shutdown feature (english and greek UI)

Program Update – Klepsydra goes to v1.2

Klepsydra is a desktop countdown timer with sound alarm, now at v1.2 got:

  • Add pause and resume functionality
  • Change button captions to graphic, and make captions as tooltips
  • Add window minimize button
  • Seven-segment font for countdown
  • Fix sometimes no-sound playing bug

As its predecessor, the new features also uses native WinAPI calls and avoid any extra libraries and OCX dependencies.

For more info, updates and downloads see at the Project’s Home Page.

Windows shortcuts: Remove arrow & Make extension visible

Shortcuts at MS Windows look like the Unix symbolic links, but it’s not. Shortcuts are files containing info to open or execute a resource on the disk (program, file, folder etc.), instead of symbolic links which are references on the file system.

Make extension visible

By default the shortcut’s extensions are hidden, even if you select to view and the known file extensions. To make them visible, you can open the registry editor, go to the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile and delete the string value NeverShowExt.

Remove arrow

If you like to remove the shortcut arrow of yours shurtcuts at the desktop or windows explorer, open the registry editor, go to the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile and delete the string value IsShortcut.


To apply the previous changes, you must restart your sustem, or logout (no fast switch) and re-login your user account.

Program Update – Klepsydra goes to v1.1

Klepsydra is a desktop countdown timer with sound alarm, now at got

  • Countdown time on caption & taskbar
  • Show taskbar progress bar (supported at Windows NT6+)

As its predecessor, the new features also uses WinAPI and avoid any extra libraries and OCX dependencies.

For more info, updates and downloads see at the Project’s Home Page.

Program Update – Vatlidator 3.0 now support validation for all EU VAT IDs

Vatlidator 3.0 - English UIAfter interruption, Vatlidator 2.1 is not longer retrieve VAT ID info.

Now introducing the Vatlidator 3.0, a whole new validation and info tool for all the EU VAT IDs (AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, EL, ES, FI, FR, GB, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK), retrieving information directrly from the European Commision VIES SOAP Service.

The new interface, now supports two languages, Greek and English.

As its predecessor, is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL 3 with installer and portable package available.

For downloads, updates and more info see the program’s home page.

Show Windows version on desktop

At beta versions of MS Windows it’s common to see the OS version details at the right bottom of the desktop, in the front of wallpaper.

It is not just a privilege of beta versions, you can make visible those OS version details by do some registry changes.
In particular open the Registry Editor (regedit.exe), go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop key, open the PaintDesktopVersion value and change its data from 0 to 1

Fix for Xperia XA NFC issue after update to Android 7

The owners of Sony Xperia XA (single SIM models XA F3111, F3113, F3115, and dual SIM variants F3112, F3116), after apply the official Sony’s update to Android 7.0 – Nougat, may be faced problems with enabling and working with NFC.

The solution solution of this problem is so easy:
Just clear the system’s cached files (Tap Settings → Storage & Memory → Tap Details → Tap Internal Memory → Tal Cache Data and Answer positive at the question of Clear the Cached data) and restart their devices!