Introducing AfraidDnsUpdater v2.0

Now, at v2.0 of the MS Windows System Tray program for auto update Free DNS service:

  • Move from internal timer, to the native windows task scheduler.
  • Can run on system boot, with out the need of any user log-on.
  • Option to run the dynamic DNS update on demand, from the icon tray menu.

For more info, updates and downloads visit the Project’s home page.

Introducing Mna v1.7

mna currency converter v1.7Now, at v1.7 of the open source currency converter Mna:

  • Plot currency rates, of the last 90 days period, on the screen.
  • Send plot to the printer, or save historical rates to text file.
  • Download rates optimization.

For more info, updates and downloads visit the Project’s home page.

Pure Javascript snippet to find duplicate DOM ids

Sometimes is necessary to find out duplicate element ids in DOM.
There is a pure javascript snippet to copy paste in you browser console,
which will inform you the number of duplicates and will enumerate them.

/* Find duplicate DOM ids | (c) 2021 - Petros Kyladitis */
let uid = Array() ;
let did = Array() ;
let e = document.querySelectorAll('*[id]') ;
for(i=0; i<e.length; i++){
    uid.push(e[i].id) ;
    did.push(e[i].id) ;

let msg = "There are " + (did.length>0 ? did.length : "NO") + " duplicate ids in DOM\n" ;
for(j=0; j<did.length; j++){
  msg += "\n" + did[j] ;

console.log(msg) ;

Introducing Synaptics Glitch Fix

Synaptics Glitch Fix is a command line tool for quick fix the annoying Synaptics Scrolling Glitch appearing on some machines with synaptics touchpads and make scroll icon stay stucked on screen after the end of the scroll.

This program is open source software, distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL 3 License.
For more info, updates and downloads see at the Project’s Home Page.

Introducing iEmbed

iEmbed is Command line tool, for embed local images in html & markdown files.

This program is open source software, distributed under the terms of the FreeBSD License.

For more info, updates and downloads see at the Project’s Home Page.

Introducing BatMsgBox

BatMsgBox is Command line tool, for display message boxes and receive user answers, usefull for MS Windows batch scripting.

This program is open source software, distributed under the terms of the FreeBSD License.

For more info, updates and downloads see at the Project’s Home Page.

Program Update – Klepsydra goes to v1.4

Klepsydra, the desktop countdown timer with sound alarm, now at v1.4 got:

  • Add option of countdown overtime display
  • Add stopwatch mode

As its predecessor, the new features also uses native WinAPI calls and avoid any extra libraries and OCX dependencies.
For more info, updates and downloads see at the Project’s Home Page.

LIBEAY32 Fix for Corsair Utility Suite (CUE)

The Corsair Utility Suite (CUE) at many setups crases at the system startup reporting an error of access at LIBEAY32.DLL

About this fix

This fix contains the appropriate version of LIBEAY32.DLL ver. borrowed it from The OpenSSL Project and automate its installation in the Windows folder.

This Fix packaged with Inno Setup System, with the care of Petros Kyladitis, with the hope to be usefull at CUE users arround the world.

OpenSSL Shared Library

Copyright (c) 1998-2018 The OpenSSL Project
Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Eric A. Young, Tim J. Hudson


Download Fix